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Workshops and Lectures

I provide workshops and lectures regarding obsessive compulsive disorder and its treatment, to mental health professionals, individuals with OCD, and their loved ones. Please contact me if you would like more information about this service.

Prior Speaking Engagements

OCD: A Guide for Parents. The Family Center Workshop Series, North Shore Education Consortium, Beverly, MA. (March 2014).


Is it OCD or an Eating Disorder? Les Grodberg Lecture Series, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA. (February, 2014).


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Podcast Interview with Jimmie Morris, (February, 2014).


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Eating Disorders. OCD Massachusetts Lecture Series, UMASS Medical Center, Worcester, MA. (April, 2013).


The Future of Motivation: Stage of Change Theory vs. Self- Determination Theory. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. With Nathaniel Van Kirk, MS and Christopher Spofford, PhD. (November, 2012).


OCD: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. Integrated Psychotherapy, Mendon, MA. (May, 2012).


Developmental Issues in the Diagnosis and Treatment of OCD. Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, Boston, MA. (March, 2011).


Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD. Riverside Community Care, Needhan, MA. With Colette Coleman, LICSW. (February, 2011).


Emotional Contamination. Les Grodberg Memorial Lecture Series, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA. With Carol Hevia, PhD. (November, 2010).


OCD: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. Riverside Community Care, Upton, MA. With Colette Coleman, LICSW. (October, 2010).


Emotional Contamination. International OCD Foundation, Washington, DC. With Carol Hevia, PhD. (July, 2010).


*OCD Rap. International OCD Foundation, Washington, DC. (July, 2010).


A Clinician’s Introduction to OCD. Boston Behavioral Medicine, Brookline, MA. (March, 2010).


*OCD Rap. International OCD Foundation, Minneapolis, MN. (August, 2009).​

(617) 571-6099

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